Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Dream Job

I've always fantasized about being a movie critic -- being paid to sit in a theater and then pound out a few hundred words telling the world whether or not to invest their time and money into the hard work of dozens of others. It sounds easier than it is. Really, besides Roger Ebert, name a film critic whose opinion you trust. There used to be a guy who did movie reviews for the Grand Rapids Press who was so bad I tended to see movies he panned. After he railed against Forrest Gump, my mind was made up to steer 180 degrees from his recommendations. I know there is no accounting for taste, but how could anyone with a pulse not like Forrest Gump?

Anyhow, my fantasy has become reality. Some friends who are way, way cooler than me have a website called Rednow and have invited me to make classic film recommendations once a month on the site. You can access my first one by clicking here. The recommendation for this month is A Hard Day's Night. I'm down and feeling a bit helter skelter after yesterday's hard day's night of watching the Detroit Tigers lose, so this boy may take the long and winding road downstairs and do something like watch this movie until the end. (Okay, Beatles fans, how many song titles did I just put into that sentence?) Give it a look if you've never seen it or if it's been a few decades. It's getting better all the time.


  1. Wonder how dumb that critic felt watching the Oscars that year (about Forrest Gump I mean). What could he even have found to say against that movie?

  2. That last paragraph was hilarious. I felt like I was back on the Magical Mystery Tour Bus

  3. No one has dared answer my question on the song titles here. On Facebook someone said "five or maybe six." I can tell you that neither of those numbers are correct.

  4. Thanks for playing, Jim. Nice try. Nothing makes me happier than beating you at Beatles trivia. We ought to play Beatles Trivial Pursuit sometime.
