Monday, October 31, 2011

Do Calvinists Believe in Luck?

I have the honor of being chosen as one of "The Twelve" to blog for a year for Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought. It is a new blog for Perspectives and it launches today. As honor cascades upon honor, I have been chosen to be the first blogger. You can read my first post by clicking here. Please do click -- it takes a while for the audience to find a new blog and it would be great if you could help us out. The other bloggers are far more distinguished and qualified than I, but I get to sneak in amongst them and mess around a bit.

Today I ask the question "Do Calvinists Believe in Luck?" and wonder about God's hand working in the events of our lives. If you are like me and don't know the answers, I think you'll enjoy reading my post. If you have it all figured out, be so kind as to enlighten the rest of us, please.

I have a new post for this blog ready about the movie Moneyball and hope to put it up on Wednesday. Talk to you then.

1 comment:

  1. Great article Jeff! And congratulations - what an honor!

    It makes me think of a time I was preaching in a Presbyterian church and happened to use the word "luckily" while telling a story. An older gentleman approached me afterward, angry about the theology represented by the use of this word. If I attributed the turn of events to luck then I was saying God wasn't a part of the story I shared. So it seems that for this particular individual at least, the answer to your question is simply, No.

    Before that day I hadn't reflected on the use of words like 'luck' and 'fortunately' in my everyday vocabulary. We use it a lot more than we realize, whether we intend that meaning or not. At least I do.

    I think I replaced it with 'thankfully' at the second service.
