Monday, December 12, 2011

Rick Perry makes Tim Tebow So Last Week

My new Advent meditation ran yesterday on Think Christian and is running today on The 12. I linked to it yesterday, but I can see it has had approximately 10% of the readership as my last post related to Tim Tebow. Click the link for a great read (in my humble opinion) about our cluttered lives and simplicity.

Speaking of Tebow, he engineered another amazing comeback yesterday against the Bears. That's six wins in a row and seven of eight. There is nothing like winning to shut up the know-it-all critics, those knights of the keyboard who do nothing but sit at home and lob criticism at the people out there actually doing something in the world.

But wait a minute, you say, weren't you one of his critics? "Moi?" I ask innocently. My wife's family lives in Colorado. I'd never root against Denver. And besides, Rick Perry proved my point about using Christianity to divide our culture much more powerfully than Tebow ever has. Have you seen Perry's recent ad about being a Christian and lamenting the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"? It's the one where he says that our kids can't celebrate Christmas in school but gays can openly serve in the military and calls that "Obama's war on religion."

Besides reminding me of what I'd written last week, Perry's ad also made me think of these two lines in the current issue of Time magazine: "The Republican Party has abandoned sobriety in favor of bombast. It has abandoned conservatism in favor of radicalism."

If you need proof of this, consider that Donald Trump is going to host his own Republican debate. Oh how I wish a great conservative thinker like William F. Buckley were still alive to weigh in on what's happened to the Republicans.

Speaking of weight, weighty issues like this are now occupying me. I'm officially done with Tebow. He was so last week. It's on to other things for me, and I start with my Advent post about our cluttered lives and joy. Hope you'll take a look.

1 comment:

  1. But Jeff, how could you be done with Tim Tebow? Once again, you happen to be that "voice in the desert."
    What gets completely overlooked in yesterday's come back is a forced turn over and two 50+ yard field goals (comprising almost half of the scoring for Denver) which was done by people other than #15.
    To paraphrase a sports writer: I can handle Tebow on Sunday, it is him the rest of the week that drives me crazy.
    Thank you for your Advent writing, especially yesterday's focus on joy. It was a blessing for me to learn of the significance of the pink candle, and it helped lift some of the gloom I experienced Sunday.
