For Christmas, Jesse wrapped up a treasures like A funny thing happened on the way to hell and gave them to various relatives. He gave his Polish grandmother an album of Polka music and she said, "You mean this as a joke but we actually

And, as I look at Gomer here, and Henry Mancini below, I want to know why men don't wear more ascots? And, as I look at Lynn Anderson, I wonder why women don't wear their hair like that anymore.
Last night we were enjoying an evening with some friends and the records came out. They left with a big pile for their children, to make a very special Christmas. Come on, where else can you get the Longines Symphonette performing You and me and a dog named Boo?
So it's a Merry Christmas in the Munroe house. Hope it's a happy one for you, too. Enjoy these images. It's the Christmas gift that keeps giving.

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