Monday, October 17, 2011


I have a series of devotionals running in Words of Hope for the next couple of weeks. You can see it by clicking here and you can also access it through Facebook here.

The title of the first one is "Why?" It does offer a brief glimpse of what's been going on with me over the past 18 months or so. Just to be clear, "Why?" is not about the Tigers losing this weekend. I am so over that.

Although mightily limited by space (these devotionals max out at 170 words) "Why?" is a first attempt to plumb the depths of trying to make sense of life and what role trusting God plays in our day to day existence. "Why?" refers to the fog that has descended over my vocational life. I keep coming in second place in interviews. Someone said to me yesterday "Second place is better than third place," but I'm not sure I buy that. Getting a job is not like a horse race, where you get paid for coming in second. Second is the same as last.

So, "Why?" Why do the things that happen to us happen? Although I'm fairly sure we'll never know any satisfying answers, I can't help but ask the question.


  1. Oh Jeff, I cannot tell you how many times I've asked that same question the last three years, though mine has been more "why us" than "why me?"

    I've come to the conclusion that it is a question that gets me nowhere. Our human trials don't have a heavenly cause and so asking that question is not reasonable in my opinion. The better question is "what can I (we) learn along the way?" What good can I find in this? I think that's what God does...brings good out of tragedy and pain. Sometimes it does make me feel better to yell at God, but I know God is not the cause. I only know I will survive, but the way I respond will determine whether I get through life with grace or become a sad, embittered human.

    One thing I know is that there are those of us who have been blessed by getting to know you better as a preacher, teacher, friend and mentor. Thank you for that.

  2. Helen -- thanks for your nice words. One toll that not having a regular paycheck takes on the psyche is you wonder from time to time if you have something meaningful to contribute.

    Your conclusions about the sort of questions one should be asking are similar to mine -- these devotionals keep going in that direction over the next two weeks. You can access every day by clicking on either of the two links in what I posted yesterday. Or head into a Russ' or Arnie's near you and get the booklet.
